What to expect when you arrive
Our morning gathering begins at 10.15am each Sunday, many of our church family arrive from 10am.
At the door, you will be greeted by one of our Welcome Team, wearing a team badge. They will greet you, introduce you to some friendly faces if it is your first time, and help you find a seat.
If you have children or teenagers with you, we would love to welcome them to one of the fantastic groups which run alongside our normal Sunday service. Registration is open from 10am. We will show you where to do this and introduce you to members of the children’s and youth team.

Our gathering begins as one of the team takes to the platform and welcomes the congregation. Everyone will then be invited to stand and pray, and a passage from the Bible may be read.
At Hertford Baptist Church, we love to sing our praise and worship to God. You may want to stand and sing, or simply sit and listen to the music, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Our worship is led by one of our bands, and usually lasts for around 15 minutes.
What's happening at HBC?
During our worship we often take time to pray, share details of upcoming events, and hear stories of God working in people's lives, situations in the UK and around the world.

Kids and Youth groups
During our gatherings, we have tailor-made sessions for children and youth of all ages. There is a creche for our very littlest, where adults may stay with their child if preferred. Sessions appropriate for each age group are led by a fantastic group of volunteers, all of whom have been trained in safeguarding and have passed the appropriate checks.

Talks from the Bible
Back in the main church, after our time of worship, one of the team will share a short talk from the Bible. These talks are designed to be easy to understand, accessible and show how the Bible is relevant to life today.
After the message from the Bible, an opportunity is given to worship and respond. You may wish to ask a member of the team to pray with you, in response to the talk, or for anything else you may like to pray for.

Time to connect
Our gatherings usually last between an hour and 15 minutes, to one hour and 30 minutes. At the end, there is an opportunity to stay for refreshments. This is a great time to be introduced to others, meet the church team and mix with the friendly congregation.
You will find more information in the seat in front of you, including a Connect Card that you can use to keep up to date with life at HBC.
We would love to welcome you, invite you to one of our welcome lunches, and tell you about upcoming events at the church. Simply fill in the Connect Card and hand it to one of the church team, we’ll do the rest.

We are an accessible church with wheelchair access, large print resources, a hearing loop and a BSL interpreter. Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help.
We look forward to welcoming you, and hope that you find a home in our fantastic church family.