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Hertford Baptist Church has always been, and continues to be, financed through your regular giving. Giving to the church is our way of giving back to God for bringing faith, hope, healing and the love of His son Jesus to the world. The Bible teaches us that giving to the Lord is part of our worship to Him and we do so with thankful and grateful hearts for all He has given us.

There are three options for giving:

Give Online

You can give online through the Dona Platform. This enables you to give and register for gift aid through one portal.​​

​Online Banking

Giving to HBC's standing order is the most helpful as it enables us to predict our income and budget more effectively. 


For standing orders and bank transfers, please use the following account information:

Bank: Lloyds Bank - Sort Code: 30-94-17 - Account Number: 00075387 

Hertford Baptist Church, Reference: Last Name/Giving

  • GENERAL if it’s your tithe, an offering or part of your general giving.

  • You may want to give an additional amount on one of our gift days, please include a suitable reference.

Cash and Contactless

During our Sunday gatherings you can give cash through our giving envelopes or, if you prefer, contactless using our card machine located between church and the hall. Please remember to complete a gift aid form on either the envelope or the card machine to ensure we can identify your gift.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer then, however you give, please take advantage of the UK Government’s Gift Aid Scheme. You only need to complete a Gift Aid form once. This enables us to reclaim the basic rate tax you have paid on any gifts you make to us – that is a further £25 on a gift of £100 at no further cost to you.

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