The front of the sanctuary decorated for Easter Sunday
Holy Week and Easter held a number of special times of worship, reflection and witness at HBC, under the general theme ‘That you might believe!’ from the gospel of John.
Starting with a reflective meditation on Maundy Thursday, people gathered around a large white cross-shaped table with numerous symbols of the events of the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, in a service entitled ‘Thirty Pieces of Silver.’ The sound of coins thrown across the floor, the taste of bread and wine, washing of hands, 30 candles being snuffed out, and a time in silent darkness left a powerful impression on all gathered.
On Good Friday, many from the church joined in a Churches Together walk from the Methodist Church to the URC, via the Quaker Meeting House. The 100 strong crown walked behind the cross, singing as they went, and pausing to remember Jesus’ last words on the cross. The event ended at the URC with tea, coffee and the compulsory Hot Cross Bun!
Good Friday evening saw the addition of an evening service – ‘Songs around the Cross’. A mixture of cross-inspire songs and scripture readings helped worshippers express thanksgiving for Jesus love, as scenes from his life played out on the screens in film format.
On Easter Sunday, the church was full to capacity for a celebration of the resurrection with great music from the band, an impromptu drama about all those who appeared at the tomb to find Jesus risen on that first Easter Sunday, and a message from our Pastor, Andrew, on the call to be ‘a Resurrection People’, living our lives in the light of all God has done in Christ.