Our church’s congregation is drawn from all walks of life, from every age and background, and from many places around the world.
What we have in common is Jesus. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he shows us what God is really like. By meeting together on Sundays, and at other times during the week, we aim to follow his teaching and his example, learning how to love God and one another as we navigate life with all its ups and downs.
Our church buildings are on the edge of the town centre and, as a church, we seek to serve our local community. We have groups and events for children, youth, young families, and seniors, along with those with learning difficulties, those struggling with debt, and those who are lonely. We partner with our local food bank, CAP (Christians Against Poverty), various youth projects and Street Pastors. Charities such as Homestart and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) also use our facilities.
Our midweek communities meet across Hertford and are places of welcome and hospitality, where friends are made, faith is explored and lives are shared.

Our Team

Alan Ward
Baptist Minister and Team Leader
Helen Ward
Leader for Families, Children and Community Outreach
Dawn Weston
Leader for Pastoral Care and Prayer

John Low
Church Secretary

John Goligher
Church Treasurer and Finance Administrator

Cheri Pienaar
Church Administrator

Alan, Helen, Dawn, John, John, Ian, Hannah, Mike, Sheila, Clare, Claire, Jemma
Leadership Team