We started the academic year, 2019/2020, adhering the ancient call to come before the Lord in prayer. During the week from 8th September, we opened up an interactive prayer room, held times of worship, daily prayer, family events and prayer walks in the community.
Our prayer room saw a steady flow of individuals from the church sign up for one-hour slots to pray in their own way, or using the prompts and activities in the prayer room to help. Some came alone, other’s as a small group to seek God for themselves.
Each morning hosted a gathering for ‘Celtic Morning Prayer’, interspersed with opportunities for quiet, music, and open prayer in the midst of a gentle liturgy. Prayer walks focussed on the life of the town in both daytime and night-time economies, and our evening prayer walk on the Friday was aided by the insider knowledge of a local Street Pastor, David, who is also a member of the church.
As well as the prayer activity based around the church and centre, church members participated in a 7 day prayer experiment from trypraying.com, and were then encouraged to pass on their booklet to a friend or colleague. Our community mailing had already invited over 4000 homes to participate in the experiment through downloading a phone app or sending for a free booklet.
We thank God for his graciousness to us during that week and continue to build on that key foundation of a prayerful life!